- Can co-ordinate txns with package restart - can be configured to restart from pt of failure when pckg rerun.
- DTC - start svc + tasks that are to be part of txn must work natively with DTC svc.
- TransactionOption - Required.
- Txns work at control fow lvl, NOT data flow.
Connecting Control Flow Objs with Precedence
- Precedence constraints - control flow connectors bet. tasks & containers. NOT in data flow. Connectors there are 'data paths'.
- solid lines - && precedence -
- dashed lines - precedence - task will run when either of the precedence conditions is met.
- functional symbols - an SSIS expression has been embedded in the constraint for evaluation.
Set checkpoints to define restart pts
- restart @ point of failure.
- Enable pckg to use chkpts - PackageProperty.SaveCheckpoints -> TRUE, PackageProperty.CheckpointFileName - supply, PackageProperty.CheckpointUsage - IfExists - pckg runs fom beginning if file not present, or run from identified pt where exists. (If CheckpointUsage = Always, file must be present or pckg will not start).
- Set checkpoints at various stages of the pckg -
Create Event Handlers
- -> Event Handlers tab in pckg designer, select executable, select event handler event.
- event handlers assigned to a particular scope will propogate downwards to child events when the event fires.
- Capturing err. info. with OnError event - capture sys. variables e.g. ErrorCode, ErrorDescription, SourceName (i.e. the task).
- Event handlers can be turned off for any task/container - DisbaleEventHandlers -> TRUE.
Implement error handling
Handle errors by configuring data flow paths
- Data paths - output rows that have successfully gone thro a component, as well as errored rows where error output is set to ignore failure for said task.
- Using error paths to route failed rows - red connectors. Contain data rows that fail in a component, when the error rows are set to be redirected. To use, configure the task's error output.
- not all components use error paths e.g. Multicast.
- error output - 3 options: Ignore Failure, Fail Transform, Redirect Row.
- error handling options are available for entire row + per col.
Handle errors by configuring control flow paths
Debug Packages
Debug progress reporting
- Even after an error, other components in the pckg might still be executing.
- Allowing mult. errs - MaximumErrorCount property -
View intermediate results by using debug windows
Examine the package state by setting breakpoints
- Control flow debugging - set bpts, which will pause the control flow execution so that you can observe the execution state.
- bkpts - only in control flow.
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