Monday, 17 March 2008

Chapter 2: SSRS, SSAS configurations & settings

SSAS, SSRS - require the setup of server-side config properties + instance-wide settings.

Configure SSAS

Configure Query/Error Logging

  • Log\FlightRecorder - an error and activity log for SSAS. Set Enabled -> TRUE. Rsetart for chnage to take effect. By def., it does not capture queries. TraceDefinitionFile property - define your own trace, capture the defn, and override the default capture.
  • Log\QueryLog - enable capture of queries that are run against any SSAS db in the instance. You can use captured queries to optmiize aggregation.

Configure Disk Allocation

Configure server and db roles and permissions

> install of SSAS instance, the SSAS svc needs configuring with SSAS security roles for administration.
Setting SSAS Admin Roles and Permissions:
  • There are 2 primary security roles:
  • 1. Server Role - provides access to complete SSAS server fntns, incl. data & processing. Provides complete SSAS access to assigned users. Manage users/grps assigned to role ~ Mgmt Studio. Members of the lcl admin grp on the same server as the SSAS instance are automatically added to Server role, although this grp does not appear on the server role list.
  • 2. Database roles - define db-lvl admin/mgmt tasks and end-user data access. General pg - name + describe the role + assign db permissions: Full Control (Administrator), Process db (user is limited to processing the db in which the role is created), Read definition (lets a role member see the full definition of a db - no data-access or processing rights). ~ Membership tab, can manage lcl/domain users/grps w.r.t the role.
  • SSAS uses Windows Auth only - no SQL Auth option => SSAS security can olny be assigned to domain/local users+grps.

Configure an SSRS infrastructure

If SSRS is installed with def. config -> no further config req.
If installed 2nd (named) instance OR need to configure for Internet deployment -> special config req.

Configure SSRS for Internet deployment
1. Create virtual directories in IIS - The Web Svc that SSRS uses for report mgmt, publishing + rendering is located in Report Server Virtual Directory. (Def. name - Report Server).
2. Create the virtual directory for the Report Manager - Report Mngr is the web-based mgmt tool for setting up dirs + managing security on the web site.


  1. enforce secure conns. to SSRS,
  2. place SSRS virtual directories on the Web for Web deployment + reporting.
  • SSRS allows 4 security lvls for comm. -> Report Server, from port 80 HTTP conn to SSL.
  • For SSL conn, change RSReportServer.config -
  • Also define IIS AUTH. MTHD FOR vIRTUAL dIRECTORY ACCESS - bASIC, wINDOWS, aNONYMOUS aCCESS. Windows Auth is recommneded for security, but Basic Auth. with SSL will provide secure connections from machines that are not logged onto your corporate domain.

Where SSRS access from Internet (e.g. for Internet deployment & rendering), prevent security risks:

  • Report Server db should remain behind a firewall.

Create and configure SSRS instances by using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager tool

  • For Server setup & management.
  • SSRS server component includes RSCM tool, a UI admin tool for configuring SSRS server settings.
  • If IIS installed, the following steps will enable instance for development & reporting:
  • 1. Create virtual directories in IIS - The Web Svc that SSRS uses for report mgmt, publishing + rendering is located in Report Server Virtual Directory. (Def. name - Report Server).
  • 2. Create the virtual directory for the Report Manager - Report Mngr is the web-based mgmt tool for setting up dirs + managing security on the web site.
  • 3. Windows/Web Svc Identity - select local/domain acc/grp to run windows/ svc.
  • 4. Setup SSRS repository dbs - these dbs are used by SSRS to store rpt defs, data sources, virtual folder for Report Mngr. Database Setup -> select local/remote OR create new: db names - ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB.
  • 5. Initialization - red X? - -> & click Initialize btn.
  • 6. Start SSRS Instance - Server Status settingd pg, click Start to start svc. Verfiy instance running - connect to Report Manager virtual dir - http://localhost/reoprts
  • 7. Backup encryption key - needed to recover contents of an installation. -> Encryption Keys pg - back up.

  • an admin command-line tool for managing SSRS server settings.
  • manages the instance's conn. -> repository db (i.e. Report Server), + for setting up def. credentials for unattended rpt exec. (e.g. when triggered by an SSRS event such as a scheduled rpt) against dbs.


  • for mgmt of the encryption keys for ops such as backup, restore, create.
  • SSRS uses symmetric encyption keys to secure & encrypt content in the Report Server db.

Install an SSRS infrastructure

Manage private keys for encryption

  • rskeymgmt.exe - another command-line utility.
  • used in mgmt of symmetric encrytion keys, that SSRS uses to secure + encrypt content in the Report Server db.
  • used for general mgmt of encryption keys such as backup, restore, delete.
  • Must be run locally - cannot be run against a remote svr.

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