Monday, 10 March 2008

Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server 2005 BI Tools

Install SSAS
License terms - agree.
Software Prerquisities: .NF 2.0, SS Native Client. IIS for SSRS. Installer will prompt re. these + others.
System Config Check - config changes needed <>
Pdt key.
Instance name - name of this instance on machine. Instances apply to Database Engine, SSAS, SSRS.
Def. Instance - componentns sel. will be installed with no name => conn. strings only consist of server name.

Install multiple instances

  • Setup.exe from Servers folder or installation setup files folder.
  • Why mult. instances - diff. vers/editions on same physical machine. Mult. installations, each at diff svc pack lvls.
  • Service Account - choose sys. security account under which to run each SQL service: a) customise for each svc acc., b) built-in - local (full access), network (limited access), c) domain user account d) start at end of setup (+ whenever server is started).

Install a clustered instance

  • MSCS - Microsoft Clustering Services.
  • SSAS is cluster-aware & can be installed in an MSCS installation.
  • shared-nothing model - the drive volumes (ones that hold the db + cube data) can only be controlled by 1 machine at a time in the cluster.
  • Automatic failover - if SQL Server service stops on 1 machine, the drives are fully controlled automatically by another in the cluster.
  • nodes - servers in a cluster.
  • failover instances - db instances/AS instances in an MSCS installation.
  • 1. Install SSAS on a cluster node - SQL will recognise its env. and enable the option to install a failover instance. Check 'Create an AS Failover Cluster'. (option not available when installing on a non-cluster machine).
  • 2. Instance Name - default or named.
  • 3. For failover cluster instance, must provide a Virtual SQL Server name. \ - identifies node. This qualified server name will failover with the svc, and conn. strings will be able to access SSAS regardless of the node on which SSAS is running on.
  • 4. Virtual Server Config pg - assign IP address for each subnet. IP addresses too failover. Virtual SQL Server name + IP address(es) must be unique on netwoerk. The virtual SQL Server name cannot be the same as the physical server name or the cluster name.
  • Available Cluster Group - shows all available cluster groups into which you can install SSAS. MSCS groups resources that have dependencies & therefore need to failover together: drive volumes, server names, IP addresses. Only cluster groups with shared drives are available - SSAS requires data to be stored on a shared drive for clustering.
  • Cluster Nodes Config Pg - chose nodes on the cluster on which SSAS can failover.
  • Service Accounts - need to have same rights on all nodes of the cluster - thus must be a domain account.
  • Domain Groups for Clustered Services - enter domain + grp that SSAS will use.

Install SSRS infrastructure

  • When configured with def. settings on the def. instance, SSRS ready to use at end of install. You get: 2 dbs - ReportServer, ReportServer-TempDB (for catalog storage + data caching), 2 virtual servers in IIS - Reports, ReportServer - used for Report Manager Web Interface + SSRS Web Svc.
  • If need 2nd instance name it (or use def. if prev. was named).
  • Why 2 instances?: 1. if you have strict security reqs a 2nd instance allows separation of site-lvl security bet mult. groups of administrators. 2. if you have limited hardware for dev., test, & prod svrs, you can use mult. instances on a single server to simulate mutl. environments.
  • Manual Configuration (~ Rep. Svcs Config Mnr tool).

Install multiple instances of SSRS

Practice Q's
Exercise - Install Prerequisites & Components
  • IIS - check selected.
  • Accept Licence, install prerequisites, Ssytem Config Check - correct if necessary.
  • Enter name.
  • Components to Install - 'Advanced' for installing Sample dbs + sample code & apps.
  • Default instance.
  • Service Account - built-in network service for limited access.
  • Auth Mode - windows
  • Collation Settings - default
  • Report Server Installation Options pg - install def. config.
  • During setup, whilst you can define a named instance, it will apply to all the features selected during that installation. To install different components with diff. named instances, you will need to run the installation multiple times, once for each unique instance name.
  • SSAS - works only with Windows auth, & there fore does not have capability for mixed mode or SQL Server Auth.
  • After Finish - configure Samples.
  • install most recent svc pack - x86 == 32-bit sys, x64 == 64-bit sys. If you have multiple instances of db engine, SSRS, SSAS installed on single machine, you can selectively chose you can select instances to which svc packs will be applied. Tools & SSIS are not instance-aware.
  • SSAS can only use MSCS with nodes that are connected to the drive subsystem.

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