- Add() - specify key, specify value.
- Indexer - key in the indexer, and then assign value.
- retrieval - ~ indexer.
- DictionaryEntry - derived from ICollection - a container containing Key and Value. foreach( DictionaryEntry entry in
) .Value; - Object.GetHashCode() - returns an int that uniquely identifies the object.
- Hashtable - allows only unique hashes of keys, not unique keys.
- Two strings with same text have same hash, even though they are diff. instances.
- Hashtable - tests for equality by testing the hash codes of keys. If equal, it will then call Equals mthd, to see whether 2 objs are indeed equal.
- Consider overriding - GetHashCode, Equals. Thus one can change a class to provide equality.
- ...and if changing the class to provide equality is difficult? e.g. if want to store strings as keys?? - provide equality OUTSIDE the class.
- equality OUTSIDE the class - hashtable can use a class that calculates equality.
- Hashtable - overloaded constructor accepts instance of IEqulaityComparer interface as arg.
- IEqualityComparer - impl. GetHashCode(), Equals(). Mthds allow the Comparer Class to handle equality re. keys, instead of relying on the key class to supply them.
- iterating over a hashtable - returns item sin order of their hsah value.
- If need sorting use SortedList...
- SortedLIst - a dictionary class.
- can access stored items in order.
- supports key/value access by index.
- performs sorting as items are added.
- Can supply a Comparer class to constructor to control how sorting is performed.
- Use like hashtable but for small (<10)>
- If colln will fluctuate bet large & small, use HybridDictionary.
- OrderedDictionary - like a hashtable except it allows access to items by index.
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