- collections - classes used for grouping, managing, iterating over related objects.
- challenge - to discern the right colln to use in a specific situation.
- A simple, resizeable, unordered, index-based colln of objs of any type.
- adding/removing items - designed for these operations.
- adding - can add objects that exist as variabls, created inline, and even value types. Value types will implicitly firstly be wrapped in a obj ref. - i.e. boxed.
- AddRange - adding from an array or another collection. Supports adding a range of items from any object that supports ICollection interface.
- Add/AddRange - add to end of ArrayList.
- Insert/InsertRange - insert at specific positions.
- Use Indexer to set at a position - however not same as Insert - it overwrites.
- Remove, RemoveRange, RemoveAt.
- Contains, IndexOf, Clear - if Contains(myString), then IndexOf(myString), RemoveAt(index) else Clear().
ArrayList - iterating
There are several mths to iterate over items in an ArrayList.
- numeric indexer - for x = 0 to colln.Count - colln[x]
- IEnumerable - ArrayList supports this interface which allows use of Enumerator to access list - GetEnumerator() returns an IEnumerator interface, which provides mechanism - MoveNext() - for iterating in fwd direction.
- IEnumerator - colln.GetEnumerator(); while(enum.MoveNext()) - enum.Current;
- foreach - enumerates a colln. Can be used on any colln that support IEnumerable.
Interfaces in Collections
- ICollection - derived from IEnumerable - implemented in the API of most colln classes.
- ICollection.CopyTo - easy way to copy contents -> Array.
- IList - derived from ICollection - exposes mthds to get at items.
Sorting - colln.Sort();
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