Friday, 7 December 2007

Chapter 11, lesson 3: Using Declarative and Imp[erative Security to Protect Methods.

  • CAS - declarative - compiler performs security checks prior to running code.
  • CAS - imperative - code itself performs checks and controls what happens.
  • SecurityAction.Demand, CodeAccessPermission.Demand() - checks an assm's caller for permissions.
  • SecurityMnager.IsGranted() - checks whether an assm itself has particular CAS perms.

Techniques for Limiting Permissions

  • use CAS assm decl to restrict perms granted to assm as a whole.
  • Then control perms on a more granular lvl by restricting perms within mthd decl + using imperative stmts.
  • EXAM HINT: use RequestRefuse(==Deny) and RequestOptional(==PermitOnly) for assm decl, and Deny and PermitOnly for mthds.
  • Exception handling - revert to PermitOnly (say for logging) and then revert.

  • Assert() - on a perm, it means that any code calling the mthd on which Assert is invoked is vouched for - it does not need said perm itself.